Danio Schools?


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
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I am looking to add some danios to my 55 gallon tank (which currently holds 9 tetras, 1 barb, 1 molly and 1 leopard catfish). I want zebra danios, yellow and leopard ones. If I get 2 of each kind will they all school together or do they only school with others the same color? I was planning on getting 6 total.
Yes - you'll be fine with those three. The Gold is just a colour form of the Zebra - the Leopard used to be classified as a different species but I think is now thought to be the same as the Zebras.

I have Zebras and Gold Zebras with Pearl Danios and they all swim about together - although they are more interested in active chasing of their own kind. The gold and normal zebras interact more with each other than with the pearls.
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