Danio Feegradei

They have some in again at the moment ! The larger ones are between 3.5" - 4" and at £3.50 - so not cheap :crazy: but they are lovely indeed :good:

Maidenhead Aquatics in St Albans have them for £2.25 each.

Regarding the size, one of the problems with these new fish is that very few people have kept them. It takes time for them to grow and unless they are in a large tank with few other fish they may not grow as much as they might.

Also with fast moving fish you can quite easily overestimate the size. I would have said the wholesales fish were 2.5-3" Unless you take them out and measure them it is very hard to tell. (and feegradei dont take kindly to that!)

People can only state what they have experienced
Also with fast moving fish you can quite easily overestimate the size. I would have said the wholesales fish were 2.5-3" Unless you take them out and measure them it is very hard to tell. (and feegradei dont take kindly to that!)
I actually stood at the tank quite some time with my hand outstretched on the tank. Watching many fish swim past for quite a while. People must have wondered what I was up to ! :lol:
Unless I'm completely wrong I stand by what I saw today (size wise) :)

Have you seen the recent batch Paul ?
Hi all mine are getting on fine & have now all out grown even the largest of my Zebra Danios most are just a little under the 3 inch mark with fin colours showing up quite strong, I wouldn't say they are overly aggressive accept for feed time then it's unbelievable what they will try to fit in their mouths.
Also with fast moving fish you can quite easily overestimate the size. I would have said the wholesales fish were 2.5-3" Unless you take them out and measure them it is very hard to tell. (and feegradei dont take kindly to that!)
I actually stood at the tank quite some time with my hand outstretched on the tank. Watching many fish swim past for quite a while. People must have wondered what I was up to ! :lol:
Unless I'm completely wrong I stand by what I saw today (size wise) :)

Have you seen the recent batch Paul ?

Not sure, havent been in for a month or so, trouble is that those blighters could have put on an inch in that time!!
Went in today and had a quick look.

I would say they are 3" or so. As far as I know that is as big as they get. They are a fair bit bigger than kyathit but nowhere near as big as Dangila can get!
Did you leave empty handed ? :D

Perhaps your perception is better than mine :good:

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