Danio Feegradei


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Just brought some Danio feegradei to add to my Zebra & Shanensis Danios. they have fitted straight in & look great. I had a read up about them before but I’ve found a new site, it says that usually one becomes dominant I’ve never realy noticed this behaviour amongst my existing danios does this mean there will be trouble ahead? How will it just manifest itself? Will it just be settled with a bit of chasing? :book:
:drool: one of the most stunning danios out there!

I have had no problems with the alpha male, so don't worry about that.
expect the normal domanace chases for a few days ;)
I have heard reports of extreme death causing aggression, but this appears to be very rare and I have never had any problems.

They grow a bit larger than your average danio and are VERY boisterous but seem a good community fish.

Breeding is quite tricky though - they often wont spawn and you often get dud eggs. I finally got 17 offspring after nearly a year of trying
Cheers for your replies folks I’ll be keeping a close eye on them, but so far they’re being shown who’s who by the big momma Zebra Danios. :lol:
I've eyed them up in my lfs for a long time. But their adult size and relentless nip chasing (each other) at breakneck speed, made me decide against these really beautiful fish.
Adult size? All accounts I’ve read have them getting a little bigger than the Zebras at about 4.5 cm is that right? So far they’re behaving more or less like the other Danios.One difference in behaviour I have observed is they will grab lumps of food & swim with it to be chased by the other feegradie for example I fed muscle last night, where all the other fish will rip into it, eat what they get there & then. The feegradie are taking much more than can actually eat & like I say swim off with it then the others give chase trying to get the food. I’m talking about very large pieces of food, one had the entire lip section of the muscle in its mouth. Got to say I am well happy with these they're actually better viewed with the aquarium lights off catching the natural light coming through the window. :nod:
two of mine are aproaching 4" / 10cm :good:
two of mine are aproaching 4" / 10cm :good:
:eek: I guess i won't rely on certain Danio sites for my info in the future :p
Fish Base
Danio & Devario
It wont be a problem i was wondering what fish could grace the top of 6 foot tank
Wholesale Tropicals had some adults (as well as sub-adults and juveniles) - let me tell you those adults were huge! :crazy: And they do indeed (or did to me) appear aggressive - though only to each other. They were relentlessly chasing each other and it looked like they were actually biting each other. Whether they were or not, I'm not entirely sure. There were some Tetras in the tank as well, and they point blank ignored them though. But sounds like they'll have a fabulous home in your 6ft tank ! :good:
I know full well what my site states; but that was based on information
from a 'relyable' person; now I have my own experiance I will update my site
to reflect that. Just need to find the time to do it :p
The Wolf has a couple that are nearly 4" Kerripaul how big are yours? is there anyone else keeping these? if so how big are they?

Bloo do you know whether wholesale tropicals still have any of the the large ones as i may pop in some time during the week to have a butchers.
I'm popping in there tomorrow to pick up a catfish, so will let you know later tomorrow :)
I'm afraid it looks like they don't have any in at the moment.
I've never had one get bigger than about 2.5 inches

There are plenty feegradei (british bred) in wildwoods at the moment afaik.

They do eat like horses though - my "fry" eat so much that two of them deformed their backs. They are less than 6 months old and well over an inch long.
They have some in again at the moment ! The larger ones are between 3.5" - 4" and at £3.50 - so not cheap :crazy: but they are lovely indeed :good:

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