Fish Crazy
I am just wondering what types of aquarium fish can kill a man.
Lionfish are pretty poisonous, not sure if fatally so, though.
The candiru, canero or toothpick fish Vandellia cirrhosa and other catfish in the genus Vandellia.
this is the one that swims into some peoples , erm... orafices, and has backwards spines to keep it there resulting in an operation to remove it, without which it is entirely conceivable that death could occur in the human victim (not that it has been scientifically confirmed to have happened yet) due to infections or other complications, especially when you are in the middle of a tropical rainforest without access to medical help.
A watt is a measurement of power - or energy use/generation per second, being 1 joule of energy per second.electric eels are able to generate 500 volts and 500 wattes of current. possible effects on the human body. ventricular interference, pain, respiratory difficulty. not fatal though.