Dang... Think Heat Killed Nerite...


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Well, after reading up on the zebra nerite, I took note of the escapee activities, and fitted the cover that came with the tank, unfortunately, while I was at work, it got seriosuly hot, and the tank was at ~82-84F ! the nerite was at the surface right next to the cover.

I removed the cover, and let the tank cool, but, this morning the nerite still hadn't moved. I took the decisison to detach it gently from the glas (it was holding on v v tightly) and place gently back in aquarium (now at normal temp again)... unfortunately he hasn't moved since and I can see his body half way out of his shell :(

I'll give him till I get back from work, but fear thats the end of my nerite.
OK, well after a schedule water change, he started moving again, only very slowly.

He has been in the process of curying himself in the gravel for the past hour. Is it normal for Nerites to burrow?

I'm starting to wonder if my thermometer is working... its a standard affair, it says the temp in the nano is now on within safe limits, but, while conducting a little maintainance, the water feels very cold (the heater is still coming on/going off as normal)... bah I think I'm getting paranoid!

Anyway, if he succedes in burying himself and travels around under gravel, I'm worried his bulk will disturb roots etc.

any ideas?
One of my tropical tanks sometimes feels cold to touch; but it's just becuase my hands are warm; othertimes it feels really warm (cold hands). Do you have a thermometer you could take from another tank or from else where to see if it's working?
Hi there :)

you were right about the cold/warm hands :) temp checks out.

The snail luckily did survive. hes not as active as he was, and is hanging onto the glass at the top of the tank.

I wasnt going to get one, but I'll pick up a test kit and do a quick check of the tank (should be fine, its planted and has a good filter flow)...
Hi there :)

you were right about the cold/warm hands :) temp checks out.

The snail luckily did survive. hes not as active as he was, and is hanging onto the glass at the top of the tank.

I wasnt going to get one, but I'll pick up a test kit and do a quick check of the tank (should be fine, its planted and has a good filter flow)...

I've done it myself with the warm/cold hands thing :).

If you dont want to buy a test kit, you could always take a water sample into the shop for them to test
If you do want a test kit; you can take it to the shop in the mean time and buy a kit when you can afford it (it's so much easier being able to test there and then :)).

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