Damp Smell Coming From Tank And Glass Really Cloudy


New Member
Feb 1, 2009
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Hi, I recently bought a Jewel 260 tank, bought an external filter to help the internal out a bit and added sand as the substrate, did all the fishless cycling as i still had my old tank to keep my fish in after 2 weeks and a variety of tests all the test showed good results for several days, my fish have now been in for a week and there is now a terrible damp like smell coming from the tank everytime i open the lid, I have also noticed what looks like grease on the water surface and the tank glass is very cloudy, have done a 15% water change and scrubed the glass using a special sponge that i bought at the lfs, this has made no difference at all. I am also worried about my tank lights they are extremely hot when left on for anyhting over about 30 secs, I think the cloudy glass could be a build up of algie so have left the lights off for a few days. Was just wondering if anyone could offer any advice of similar things happening with new tanks and if the problem with my lights heating up could be the cause of the cloudyness on the glass any help at all would be much appreciated.
just to add the water is crystal clear when sampled so its not a bacteria bloom as i have read into that already

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