Damn Mist


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Morley, Leeds, UK
Hi all,

Last night i set up a 4 gallon (UK) tank with gravel, air stone, heater and light.

I went to work this morning then after work at 6pm i decided to goto the local pet shop and get my self a male betta, when i got home with my betta in a bag i looked at the tank.... it had gone all misty!

What i want to know is will my male betta be ok in a tank with my guppies, mollys and Bristle Nose / Ancistrus Pleco?

Please give me a reply because i dont want it in the bag too long.


dont worry about him being in the bag to long... i floated mine overnight... i slept for 12 hours that night lol... i did open the bag though
Would i be ok putting fresh water and some aqua safe in the tank and add him to the tank tonight?
Munch, your post caught my eye...I'm a bit confused about what the problem is with a misty tank. Why did that mean you couldn't put the betta in there?

I understand that male bettas and male guppies don't tend to mix very well, as the guppies tend to look like too much of a rival for the bettas.
I just assumed that the water must be contaminated or something was wrong with it -_- and i cant understand why it would go misty overnight
It's a bacterial bloom. Part of cycling, it's completely normal.

But I don't know if you should but a betta in the tank when it's in that part of cycling. :dunno:
Auratus said:
It's a bacterial bloom. Part of cycling, it's completely normal.

But I don't know if you should but a betta in the tank when it's in that part of cycling. :dunno:
I thought Munch was referring to his 4ukgallon tank which is empty. Was it that there was mist on the outside of the tank or that the water itself was cloudy?
Sorry for the mis-understanding, it was the water its self that was cloudy, i have put fresh water and aquasafe in and he looks pretty happy now... he has been in there about half an hour.
He's been in there for just over 3 hours now and i havent seen him flare once :sly:

Ive only seen him flare once and tht was in the lfs :-(

I hope he is happy :look:


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