Damn Catfish!!!


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I've been having some real problems with my thirty lately, large blooms of algae, never seeing my bristlenose... Well, tonight I plunked down half an algae tablet for the bristle in the hopes I would finally be able to see him, and because he hasn't eaten any of the algae on growing in the tank in a few weeks (there was a huge patch that he started to eat, because I saw mouth marks on it, but then he stopped) I just figured he was full, and that maybe it wasn't the type they eat. So anyways, watching him come out, and before he used to zoom right to the tablet and start munching away. Well, this time he just kept moving around, as if he didn't want to stay in the same spot for too long. He finally got close to the tab, whihc was where my pictus now hangs out, and then BAM the pictus nails him and he goes flying back to the safety of his driftwood. This happened a few times, and the last time was the worst, the pictus would not let off.

I'm so fed up, and pissed, because the whole time this was going on and I didn't notice, because I thought the bristle was just shy. So now I've got the pictus acclimating in my ten gallon and the four guppies and the baby firemouth from the ten waiting to be released into the thirty. I've been trying to get the pictus to my brother who has a 55, but he lives almost three hours away and works a lot so he can't come here and pick it up. I was planning on mailing it but I need to read up on it more and find out how much it will cost, plus get the money, which I have none at the moment (I have to get some work just to get some bettas from good old Wuv) so it was going to be a little while.

God, how could I have been so dumb and not notice what was going on?!?!?! :grr:
Is there only one pictus in there? They are a gregarious species and will fare much better in a group and will probably be less aggressive.

I keep 4 with a couple of ancistrus type plecos (don't know their exact families) and no-one bothers each other.

Best of luck finding a solution for the pictus :thumbs:


:eek: not sure how big your pictus is right now, but just be careful that the pictus doesn't go for the guppies now !
No, he's in an empty ten gallon, I took out all the fish it that one and put them in the thirty (which they are really happy about, those guppies look awesome now!) and I researched them before, people said it would be fine by itself, then they said about having three, but I'm giving it to my brother, I'm not about to get more...
I say leave the guppies in the 10G, put the pictus back in the thirty, buy more rocks and stone and 2 more pictus cats.

Pictus cats hate being on their own, you need AT LEAST 3, and in a 30G this is about your limit. They grow to around 6" and when adult will eat small fish that go in their terratory or generally look tasty...

Maybe I'm not saying this right. I DON'T WANT THE PICTUS. I'm giving it to my brother. He can get more. I'm not spending money on more when I could use the money to just mail it to him.

Bunji, I know they eat little fish, that's why I got guppies in the first place was to breed feeders for him, but I've since changed my mind (I got him in August) and now no longer want him. That's why I got a firemouth, and I'm getting a 55 eventually to put the fire in and use the 30 for breeding apistos. I was just upset about not noticing what was going on in my own tank.
No need to get stressed, you are being too hard on yourself, sometimes you just dont see these things.

I had my bristlenose plec in a 60G with various other cats including a 8" Synodontis Angelicus. I came home from work one day to find the Angelicus hiding in the corner with its mouth ravashed to pieces. The Plec was the only culprit because i had seen tension between them as they both seemed to be after the same cave....

I took the plec out and left it for a couple of weeks, re-arranged the wood and put him back in. To my amazement he did exactly the same on the first night of being in there. My poor Angelicus is stilll recovering but seems to be doing well. The Plec is now residing in a 10G with a dwarf puffer... He's going to my sisters house when the tank is ready..

Anyway, do whatever you think is best, although i hope your brother does get more as he will find it a much more likeable fish to keep.

OOOO! OOO!!! I ADORE pictus cats!! Mail it to me!!! I'll pay for shipping (if it's not too much)

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