Dalmation Lyretail Molly Issues

What kind of medication do you recomend? We're in the US, up in MN
Also, I'm not sure what to do, our 10g has 5 zebra Danios, which apparently don't tolerate the salt, so I cannot move them to the molly tank. The only other thing I have is a 2.5g, with no lid, heater or filtration...
As cruel as it sounds, the danios are still under warranty, but what would happen if I medicated the molly in her home tank?
Do you use salt with your mollies?

I would suggest doing a half dose melafix treatment, be sure to be precise with measurements. You could also combine this with pimafix, the two are meant to work together.
Yes I do.
I have been slowly adding it (2 tablespoons/week) since the set up of the tank. It's only been set up like 3-4 weeks though.
Alright, I will go up tomorrow and pick some up. Thanks...Will it be okay if I have to leave her in the main tank?
It says it's okay for live plants, so not hugely worried about that, just the fry and other fish, I know humans shouldn't have certain medications if not ill...will it effect them?
I would treat her in the 10gallon with the zebra danio's. Zebra danio's are highly tolerant of anything. And putting her in there will also allow her to not be bugged by male mollies at this point. So treat with pimafix and melafix, both at half the recommended doses.

As earlier mentioned, I would consider purchasing another molly of her breed. She may be depressed that she is not with a breed of the same molly. Some fish are like this. :nod:
Alright, I will see what I can do about the third of their breed, there is another, but he is definitely male. They also have very different coloring. He is mostly dark, she is mostly silver.
I really really appreciate all of your help, fishkies, and I will let you know how it goes. I think it's fishy bed time though so I'm going to go shut lights off and what not.
Well, today was going to be day 4 of medication.
However, I awoke, and looked in, she was a goner. We will be going to LFS tonight, because that throws our ratio off in the big tank. We're hesitant to do anything though, because although the males are getting very very agressive to eachother and the women, the pregnant black molly delivered us approx 40 fry...

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