Well… this is what a six year old planted tank looks like!
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Not quite what I started with but I guess six years is rather a long time, especially when this tank has had very little done to it since first setup.
The echinodorus rose rapidly took over the tank and I don’t even mind. It constantly produces fresh pink leaves that soak nutrients and add interest and colour to the tank.
The other plants all ran their course one by one, resulting in a survival of the fittest (or best suited to my water conditions) which the hygrophila corymbosa won, you can see it is still growing strongly at the back there. My cryptocorynes lasted for years but I seem to have lost them all now.
The anubias was transferred in from my 64L tank after it got shut down when the filter failed, and it has likewise taken over and honestly needs a good pruning. I’ve planted no other new plants since the tank was first set up in 2015.
Current stocking is cherry barbs, X-ray tetras and Amano shrimp. I recently restocked for the first time in years and the tank is a mix of lively fresh young fish and some old-timers, including the 5.5 year old alpha male from my original cherry barb shoal.
I also have a pack of six X-ray tetras, four years old now, such beautiful fish but terribly shy, having spent most of those years hiding in the plants at the back of the tank. They are hardy creatures and seem to work well with my hard water conditions and I desperately wanted to see more of them, so yesterday I added another six for a total of twelve X-rays. I think it’s worked; the whole group seems happy and more confident now. It’s a joy to see them out and taking excursions around the tank in small schooling groups.
Equipment is still much the same, Eheim filter with inline heater, both still going strong. Lighting is currently two T8 tubes (Grolux at the front, daylight at the back - Grolux is so good for helping red colours pop out) with a single front reflector, on for 11 hours a day but I’m experimenting to see if I can increase that to 12 hours, since there’s not enough algae in the tank to keep all the shrimp and snails happy.
Speaking of snails; yes there’s tons and I love them! They’re amazing at keeping the tank clean and make maintenance a doddle. Wouldn’t have a planted tank without them.
Anyway, that’s it for a long overdue update. See you again in another six years?!
daize xx