Daft Overfeeding Question.


grumpy old man!
Oct 28, 2005
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You often see people stating that overfeeding is causing problems with the water chemisty. You also see people talking about using fish flake as a source of ammonia aiding the cycling of a tank..

Got me thinking.. putting the fact that the fish should not be overfed aside, then surely only eratic overfeeding would affect the tank stats and not consistent overfeeding. As if you were consistently overfeeding, then the levels of ammonia caused by the excess food would be consistent enough to maintain a level of bacteria that would be able to ensure that there were no problems with the ammonia levels...

I do think about things too much, but am interested in your thoughts anyway..

However they say don't feed if levels are too high. Or as you say it would speed things up but would be very toxic. Makes me think flakes are just ash.
It can't do to be too unrealistic in the wild they do not get a percentage portion ie mosquitos don't drop larva at a rate everynight in all temps etc.
Good topic will be interesting.
im not disputing that ;) i certainly dont want a shoal of Johnny Vegas fish :p

just questioning the water stats bit...!!
Well...I guess it would depend on your filtration. If your tank is overfiltered then no it shouldn't be a problem from the ammonia side. As long as there is enough media and water flow the bacteria should reach equalibrium with a consistent level of ammo. But if you don't have enough filtration or are overstocked you could experience latent ammonia because there is not enough bacteria to process it.

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