D&d 24G Nano Reef


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2009
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Ive just bought a used 24g reef tank with some live rock, still trying to arrange collection time etc. At the moment ive got 10kg of live rock in another tank going through the cycle, now at the moment im using salted tap water (reef salt) not table. In the new tank im going to use RO water, now the LFS is a good 1.5hr round trip away, so do you think i should invest in a RO unit or do i make the trip when needed, is it worth have my own RO for a such a small tank. If you way up fuel costs/time and the water itself, im really considering buying a unit, would like your thoughts on this.

Thats a nice tank :good:

Couple of things :lol: I know you only asked one :p

If the tank has sand in it, sift through the sand with a collander or the like for snails (dont use your hands in case of bristle worms) and then throw the sand away. Disturbing old sand only leads to trouble :sick:

I started with a 26 gallon nano tank and an ro unit was worth it's wait in gold, there is no way I could of kept going back and forwards to the lfs each week to collect my water and of course the water you produce will probably be better as well :good: I always did a good 20% water cahnge each week and along with top-offs it soon mounts up

Anyways, how about starting a journel now?

Seffie x
Thanks seffie , i will start a journel soon.
I use a private water source as in, we have a bore hole(100 metres)in the ground, this is pumped into storage tanks, do you think this would affect the RO water production from the unit (i have no idea)
I will get new sand, although i couldnt see any in the bought tank from the photo's supplied.

Get your test kits now and test the water :good: from the bore hole.

Are you in the uk? If so John is selling a brand new phosphate piece of kit - snap it up before someone else does

Seffie x
Ive already got my test kits, I have now bought an RO unit, i dont think the water going into the unit matters much, its what comes out thats important.Yes i am in the UK, Porlock in Somerset.

I picked up the tank tonight, it needs a big clean up but everything works, any idea where i can find out the best way to set up the filter, it seems to have a skimmer pump but cant find the top part of it yet, is it best to use LR rubble and chaeto, i did have a search but couldnt find much info.

The filter is your live rock - there isn't an internal or external with that tank.

My reasoning to testing the water from the bore hole is such, it would be good to know from where you are starting, re: stats and where you end up.

Seffie x

Ps vinegar will get off most of the old stuff on the tank :good:
I tried the vinegar today, didnt seem to do much, i went and got some Ezeclean, this is made for cleaning aquariums i think, superb stuff, pretty much all clean now, just about to set about hood clean up.

There are 3 chambers at the back, the skimmer top isnt in there, will get in contact with seller to see if he can find it.I will probably use live rock in there as well as in the tank itself.

I did test water from bore hole a couple of years ago,cant remember the results,although i remember it was good for my Piranha and other tropicals and never used tap safe or anything, water changes straight from the tap.

Ah, right - the three chambers at teh back, most people use them for putting the heater, and a small skimmer in there plus running phosphate remover etc - is the pump still in the back?

How old are the tubes?

Seffie x
Yes, the pump is in there, its been upgraded to an eheim pump, the heater is also in the chamber, middle chamber is now full of LR,also got a seio power head in main tank. Still no news on the skimmer cup, its a V2 nano copy,might buy a proper V2.
RO unit arrived today, so now have decent water ( slowly).
The lighting tubes are about 3 month old, they seem ok for now, might change them in the new year.

Isnt there a v2 nano skimmer for sale in the marine classified section?

Seffie x

and, pppsssstttt, where are the photos?
The skimmer in the classifieds has been sold, think ive got 1 now.

Here is a pic, ive removed the powerhead for now as there was to much flow, with the LR, i went for depth and lots of places for corals, took me about 30mins to get something i liked.


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Im liking the look at the moment. What powerhead did you have in there? What are you using now then?

Whats your stocking plan for this tank?

The powerhead is/was a seio M620, 2400 ltr per hr,it will go back in, im just using the pump that is in the filter at the back. Once i have a few corals etc i will need a bit more flow (i think)

Stocking wise, not sure yet, will be a couple of clowns, would like a hammer coral if possible, as only have standard lighting, and from then on, not a clue to be honest.

Here is another pic.


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The pump at the back wont be enough for water to circulate around the rock, so as suggested, throw it back in. Look out for koralia's, they seem to be well recommended and my experience with them is good. They also come in lots of sizes.


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