Cyprichromis Leptosoma X 2 Sale/swap


Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong but ALWAYS certai
Dec 1, 2006
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Livestock: Cyprichromis Leptosoma
Quantity for sale: 2. (1xMale, 1xFemale)
Reason for Sale: Causing rift between other, larger males.
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £8 the pair or swap for WHY (Tangs)
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Eastleigh, Nr Southampton, Hampshire (so50)
Library Photograph:

I got these 2 a few months back but lately my other very large male is trying to attract the 1 female and is causing my other large male to hide away so the smaller m & f have to go.

I also have several, varying sized Juli fry from tiny to an inch. Looking for swapsies maybe?
Can i ask.. WHY DO YOU LIVE IN SOUTHAMPTON?!!!!! :( Your Julies look ace. As do your Leptosoma,
Can i ask.. WHY DO YOU LIVE IN SOUTHAMPTON?!!!!! :( Your Julies look ace. As do your Leptosoma,

Always the way :rolleyes: Not many Tang' keepers down here :look:

Hey, if you like those Juli fry you'd love the 1 incher's!
Hi, just set my tang tank up. At the moment the open water is rainbows (in sig), would the cyps be ok with these? Would they be ok as a pair for a while as it may be some time before I could afford to add more... Afraid all I can offer to swap is more Julies...
Hi, just set my tang tank up. At the moment the open water is rainbows (in sig), would the cyps be ok with these? Would they be ok as a pair for a while as it may be some time before I could afford to add more... Afraid all I can offer to swap is more Julies...

Mmmm? bit overrun with Julies at the mo :crazy:

The cyps would be ok for now as a pair and although quite big the female may not be ready yet even though my other big male fancies his chances!
If you're happy for them to live with rainbows then I'll have them though it'll have to be a swap for cash as I have nothing else Tang-wise to swap...
If you're happy for them to live with rainbows then I'll have them though it'll have to be a swap for cash as I have nothing else Tang-wise to swap...

Have PM'ed you.........seems like we live in the same town!!! :hyper:
Hopefully my cyps will be breeding soon so would willing sort out selling some once they`re big enough to up the numbers for Jo if she has your cyps. IF Jo doesn`t have them please give me a shout as I`d buy them off you to add to mine ;)
They have gone to someone who lives round the corner so I'm still Cypless.

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