Cyno - Any Other Ideas For Getting Rid Of The Bloody Stuff?

Thanks for the suggestion on the meds but I wouldn't want to risk it. Have cut the lighting back to 8 hours from 10 and will go for a blackout once I have some macro algae.
Thanks for the suggestion on the meds but I wouldn't want to risk it. Have cut the lighting back to 8 hours from 10 and will go for a blackout once I have some macro algae.

you should defiantly see a diff especially if you do a blackout.
Thanks for the suggestion on the meds but I wouldn't want to risk it. Have cut the lighting back to 8 hours from 10 and will go for a blackout once I have some macro algae.

you should defiantly see a diff especially if you do a blackout.

I found the blackouts did nothing to actually kill the bacterial infestation...unless you plan on blacking out the tank for a week I suppose. What happened in my experience is that it cut off the food supply but did not kill all of the bacteria, so that when the lights were put back on, blooms would occur.

Mycin is pure antibiotic, which is used to kill such fish diseases such as ick. No heavy metals.

My LFS indicated that the drawback of course is that the stuff will probably kill some beneficial bacteria but that if you have a good cycle already in place that it shhould have no problem reestablishing itself.

In my case, I used as directed and proportionally (my tank is a 13 gallon nano). It worked, killing all the slime and 2 months out, I have not been revisited. This was after a complete water change too I might add. For some reason, it just switched it all off.

So Im pleased but consult your LFS is youre still not sure.
Consulting the LFS on fish matters is questionable in the case of most retailers...

Erythromycin in indead an anti-biotic that kills gram positive bacteria. My supervisor at work used this "mycin" for this exact problem, and his tank nuked as a result. A few customers have reported similar consiquences, having tryed it as a result of forum based advice... It will kill the beneficial bacteria on your liverock and put the tank into a cycle. If this did not happen to you, you got lucky, but, considering the fact it has crashed a few tanks to my knowlage, I would not use the stuff, nor recomend it to others... :/

Have you not considered that the complete waterchange in your case may have been what killed the cyno?

All the best
There goes my advice I suppose.... :blush:

I did a few water changes while I had the problem and it always returned. My parameters were pretty normal to beging with and appeared to be associated with just being a new tank.

I have no idea what truly eradicated the stuff and can only deduce that the mycin had a lot to do with it. I do know that its been 3 months since that one complete change and I havent been haunted since.

good luck
Just a brief update. I seem to be winning!! I suspect it was cutting my lights down to 8 hours from 10 that may have done it.
Just a brief update. I seem to be winning!! I suspect it was cutting my lights down to 8 hours from 10 that may have done it.
good! loosing :-(. The stupid stuff came back. my twin spot seems to enjoy eating it for some reason.

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