Cyling A Tank

Good for you :good:

Hang in there man, you'll get there eventually. When we see the regular water test results we'll be able to advise you how often to change the water.

What I'd suggest is:

Test water, post results, change the water as advised, retest an hour later to make sure it's worked ok, test again 12 hours later or so.

As for the water changes affecting the bacteria - no. There is a very (*very*) small number of bacteria in your water, but no more than you'd find in your tap water anyway. Almost all your bacterial colony lives in your filter media (the foam inserts and filter floss etc.), and a small amount in the gravel. There is a thin biofilm that covers everything in your tank (which is why everything feels a little bit slimy) but that's only a very small proportion of the total bacterial colony as well. Almost all of it is in your filter. :)

I have done a water change over 50% i going to wait a hour then post the results i am also filling up the 7x2x2 fishtank :)
P.S. do anyone no of any easys way of emptying tanks :) i got a pipe to fill but carrying water ###### hard lol

Thanks for the help :)

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