About that article, the only thing that was wrong was that there is a product called Biospira by Marinelabs who claim to cycle your tank overnight by simply adding the bacteria you need. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. It depends on the way it was shipped, and i think how old it is. I guess it is in a dormant stage when it is in the package because it needs to be refrigerated. It has worked for me a few times, but others, along with everyone else that used it at my LFS at times, it didnt and we think it was because of when it was shipped, it wasnt cold enough or something. But dont use stress zyme or stress coat or anything dumb like that because yes, it stimulates the slime coat, by ADDING slime, and do you think it is very selective where it adds it? You bet not, it coats their gills too, possibly causing difficulty breathing. Danios will live through cycling but they may be under a lot of stress during it so if you care about that, fishless cycling would b ur best bet and maybe trying Biospira if anyone around there carries it.