So now that its coming towards the end of the cycle, I'm starting to think about what fish we might want. Unfortunately I like a lot of different ones!
The tank is 60x30x35, pH is 7.2. I live in Manchester which is renowned for having really soft water. Unsure of the exact figures as I don't have a test kit for that.
So because of this, I'm wondering what we are limited to?
We would like some shrimp at the bottom eventually once the tank is established (possibly some Pygmy cories too but we have gravel so maybe not)
We would like a little shoal of something, maybe endlers, chilli rasboras, spotted rasboras, celestial pearl danios...
Also like guppies and sparkling gourami if we could get a couple of one of those in there.
We would be happy to go with just two species to allow for enough numbers so that they are happy.
Sorry if I sound like I've asked this before (I have haha) but my head is swimming (pardon the pun) with all the different fish I've looked up in the last few months!