Cycling Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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Will my bettas new tank need cycled before he goes in there? He will probably be in there on his own for a bit

Appologies if this seems a silly question, i thought i seen a post that someone had theirs in an uncycled tank, and i thought it better to ask :unsure:

Thank you :good:
A betta does not have to be in a cycled tank. Ideally it would be better for him, but there are plenty of people who don't use filters (since bettas don't like the current), and so they do 100% water changes. Just make sure your water is aged and treated properly before putting it in with the little guy.
Ah, I already just added ammonia to start my cycling.

Ive just got a new tank for him and set it up, and the filter just runs the water back out gently, not causing much surface movement, but you can see bubbles moving through the water. I thought it was crap when i started it up but maybe he will actually prefer that?

He is in another tank at the mo, thank for the reply BTW :D
Sounds like a good set up. :good: I personally prefer filters in my tanks as Ive found doing so many 100% water changes can cause stress to the fish. Id let the tank cycle for a good few weeks then do a 50% water change before adding him. Remember to show us the pics :nod:
I think it kind of depends on the individual fish. I have one who was a playful, happy guy in a tank with a fast filter, and as soon as you take him out he sulks and bites his tail.
sulks and bites his tail.

:crazy: Woah!

well i can only find out, he is in a tank with my other fish at the momemt but he is getting his own gaff now. Started cycling it yesterday so fingers crossed for me please cause im well nervous!

And i will get pics up as soon as hes settled in :good:
I have a male betta myself in a cycled 5.5 gallon tank, it has a Whisper Filter rated for a 10 gallon which puts out minimal current but I also put in a ceramic clay pot, and a few other oranaments along with some java moss so he can get away if possible. My betta loves it and the filter doesn't seem to mess with him at all, so I'd say go for the filter----I do aprox. 30 % water change every 3-4 days to keep the water quality good. I've learned what ever I deside I need to be willing to take whatever measures I need to to make the fishes life as abundant as possible, size of tank-water quality-temp.-surroundings(ornaments,etc)I believe all play an important part in they're well being. I've learned if I can't give the fish a decent and happy life then I don't need it after all.

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