i did look at the pinned topics on cycling, so i did try to figure it out myself, but it's been a long day and maybe i missed it. when adding ammonia to cycle a tank, do i need to remove the carbon part from the filter?
thanks, i hope it'll be ready soon, i put an established sponge filter and some plants from another tank, so i think i'm good on bacteria, i just didnt' think to add ammonia. hopefully my bacteria didn't die off with no food
How long without ammonia was the bacteria? If it was any longer than a couple of days then you will probably need to get new seed material. It probably wouldnt hurt anyway cause the more the merrier.
I've started a new 20 gallon tank and I'm on day three of a fishless cycle. I didn't know about adding ammonia. Is this household ammonia and how much are you supposed to add per day? I have a 170 Penguin biofilter with artificial plants and decorations. My ammonia reading is at .5, with 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate. I'm waiting for my 10 gallon tank to build up some bacteria on the decorations as I gave a real good cleaning when I lost 2 cories. I put in a little gravel from the old tank The 10 gal tank has a mini penguin filter but I can't move it for fear of crashing old tank where my fish are, right? I'm using proaquatic bacteria starter.
nufishlover, since you have a cycled tank already, my suggestion would be to change filters on your mini. Then cut all of the filter media (the thready stuff) off of the old filter. Stuff half of the media behind the new filter on the mini and half behind the 170 on the new tank. That should really jumpstart the process for you.