Cycling This Normal?

That is definitely an indication that it is very high. API kits will eventually turn to green and then clear when the level is super high.
I have never seen a nitrIte test do anything but pale blue for negative and dark purple for positive. but thats just me... if rdd says it can turn green, clear, brown, red, yellow. :lol: then it must be true. I've only seen pale blue/purple.

Personally what i would do is crank the ammonia back up to 5-6 ppm and test ammonia and nitrIte every two to three hours. That way if it is processing nitrIte you will not miss it and you will see the test go from dark purple then get lighter over time. If this color change doesn't happen and you still get the same weird nitrIte readings that you are getting now then you know its not processing nitrIte and it is more than likely off the chart (very high) (unreadably high).
Below are quotes from 2 seperate threads were someone called API and were told about the green and clear colors meaning high nitrite. There is also a thread ith an email too but I couldn' find it.

This morning I had a response from API USA via my Italian guy. This is what it said "To me, that sounds like the result of a very high nitrite reading, too high for the chart. The customer may find that diluting the sample and retesting will give a color that IS on the chart."

OK - well I've just done all my tests again and the NitrIte test has gone green!!! Its a perfect match for the 6.8 marker on the ph card - but unfortunately nothing like any of the nitrIte colours!! What am I doing wrong??? :blink: :blink:
This has come up before and someone actually emailed API about it. During a fishless cycle, the nitrite gets so high that there literally isn't a color for it. When you add the drops, the nitrite is so high in the tube that they immediately turns purple in the bottom of the tube. When I was cycling, that's all I ever saw. The bottom turned purple and I poured out the solution as I knew my nitrite was still off the chart. No need to dhake and wait 5 minutes, you already have your answer.

Yeah I just phoned the helpline on the pack - and yep - it means that there is no colour toshow how high my nitrItes are - they are sooooooo far off the scale I've confused the chemicals :rolleyes:
Below are quotes from 2 seperate threads were someone called API and were told about the green and clear colors meaning high nitrite. There is also a thread ith an email too but I couldn' find it.

This morning I had a response from API USA via my Italian guy. This is what it said "To me, that sounds like the result of a very high nitrite reading, too high for the chart. The customer may find that diluting the sample and retesting will give a color that IS on the chart."

OK - well I've just done all my tests again and the NitrIte test has gone green!!! Its a perfect match for the 6.8 marker on the ph card - but unfortunately nothing like any of the nitrIte colours!! What am I doing wrong??? :blink: :blink:
This has come up before and someone actually emailed API about it. During a fishless cycle, the nitrite gets so high that there literally isn't a color for it. When you add the drops, the nitrite is so high in the tube that they immediately turns purple in the bottom of the tube. When I was cycling, that's all I ever saw. The bottom turned purple and I poured out the solution as I knew my nitrite was still off the chart. No need to dhake and wait 5 minutes, you already have your answer.

Yeah I just phoned the helpline on the pack - and yep - it means that there is no colour toshow how high my nitrItes are - they are sooooooo far off the scale I've confused the chemicals :rolleyes:

Okay thanks for the information. I think the only thing I will have to do is either just to wait or take half of the water out

The result in the morning were
Ammonia -0
Ph 7.6
Nitrite as always the green color. I don’t have the nitrate test. I will get it tomorrow

I followed the advice of Chrispixx and after I added the ammonia in the morning after two hours I was able to check and the results are these

Ammonia 5-6ppm
Ph 7.6
Nitrite is the same green color.

I had to check if this kit is expired but it seems very well okay it might be I am just rushing to look for nitrite though…from sexyfishkeeper journal it seems like it took him over two weeks to even to starts appers in his tank and with the help of mature media. But my concern is why since I started to check for Nitrite the first couple of days it was pale blue and then went to dark blue and now is green color?
Hooray …it has been a long time coming. I can’t believe that today I finally see nitrite on my tank. I was just keep adding ammonia the same amount everyday at 1 pm and check the nitrite and ph only everyday. I never checked the ammonia since I posted my last comment as I knew it always go to 0 after 24 hours and my test was about to run out.

This afternoon as I was checking the nitrite (as usually) I never expected to see anything different but to my surprise it was purple. I couldn't believe my eyes I had to test again and the results were the same.

Nitrite 1
Ammonia 0
Ph 7

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