cycling my 50 gallon, already started


New Member
Mar 5, 2004
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San Diego
One week ago I filled my tank and got everything up and running. I ran the filter for 2 days before putting 6 mollies in it. The first night one of the mollies had fry. I have now been running a cycle with fish for just over 4 days now with 6 mollies and about 14 fry. I have not done any water changes or cleaned the gravel because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to or not.

Everything has been fine and it seems like the fish are doing good in the tank. I just wanted some help from you guys to get me along with a successful cycle.

Waht should I do next and so on...

thanks a bunch
Hey dude,
Well you sure have begun your cycle but it sounds like you have begun it wrong already, With your opportunity of not being impatient you should have run a fishless cycle to begin with by adding amonio drops and creating my nitrate and nitrite.

One question did you add any chemicals like Cycle or anything that adds bacteria to it?

What your going to need is some testing kits for your water.
you can pick them up at your local pet store , your going to have to test for ammonia , nitrite and nitrate, Sound like you havnt read the article on the site,
it helped me out so much and just reading other posts are great.

But i'm not totally experience so i dont know what the fry are going to affect anything.
Well, I am eventually going to put cichlids in this tank and these mollies are going to be out anyways. I was just going to cycle with them.

I didn't add any "bacteria chemicals" or starter chemicals to the tank because I heard that it was all no good.

How do you do a fish cycle since that it what I am doing? Any tips besides starting all over and doing a fishless cycle?
I would just continue on with how you are doing. I personally don't ever use chemicals, don't think it's right. I just completed a mini-cycle on my 29 gallon with gravel and water out of my 55. It increased the cycle speed by WEEKS!! Too bad you don't already have a tank to help you along.

I would just do 10% water changes every other day and go ahead and buy those test kits. At LEAST the ammonia and nitrite ones. Those are by far the most important in my book. If your ammonia gets to be 5.0ppms or more then I would really start worrying about the fishs' lives at that point. I would do 10% water changes every day. After the ammonia levels start going down you will probably go through the same thing with the nitrite levels or maybe they will be high at the same time and go down at the same time, who knows! Both should be at 0ppm before you add any of your "keeper" fish. Even 0.50 is okay I think, but others will probably disagree :/

Just my 22 cents!! :lol:

I would suggest that you go to your LFS and ask them for some mature filter media or tank gravel. Those will both have bacteria which will help your tank cycle.

While you're there, buy a "master test kit" that tests for: ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Test your water daily until the ammonia and the nitrite readings are both at 0ppm. If either reading spikes (above 1ppm or above .5ppm for more than a day), do a water change. You may need to do water changes several days in a row when the nitrite spikes.

Don't feed too much. Once every other day is plenty.

Someone else can speak for the fry, but I doubt they have much of a chance.

Where will you be putting the mollies after the tank cycles?

HTH and good luck... :thumbs:

You are doing fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cycling with fish, as long as you choose hardy fish and stick to the easy-does-it approach (small bio-load at first). There are some die-hard advocates of fishless cycling here, and there's nothing wrong with that, but the overwhelming majority of folks (including me) still choose to cycle with fish - the "all natural" way. :p Fishless cycling can be great when done properly by someone who knows what they're doing, but it isn't the end-all be-all that people want you to believe. It can cut a lot of time out if done properly, but it can also leave your tank in a mess if you don't. IMHO, if you have the patience for it, cycling with fish is a better idea anyway, especially if you aren't a very experienced aquarist.

My advice, for what it's worth:

You need to get a comprehensive water test kit. If you don't know what it is already, you need to determine your water's pH level. The "danger level" of ammonia is dependent on your water's pH. At a pH of 6.5 ammonia concentrations of up to 10.0 ppm are "safe" for all but the most sensitive fish (though I don't encourage you to let it get that high), but at a pH of 7.8 even 0.5 ppm can be deadly. So in general, the lower your pH is the less critical your ammonia situation can get in a short amount of time. If your pH is in the higher readings, you might want to consider a means of bringing it *gently* down into the more neutral or slightly acidic range until the cycle is completed (most cichlids need a higher pH, so it may need to go up again later, but first thing's first - cycle first and then worry about that afterward). I'd test for ammonia every day or two (doing partial water changes only if necessary) until you see the ammonia drop (and it drops fast). Once you have zero ammonia, test every three or four days for nitrite. You don't really care about the quantity of nitrite, because when cycling most tanks only take a day or two to "top out" a common nitrite test kit, and you don't actually know how much is in there anyway. During the cycle, you're really testing to see if the nitrite is still there, not so much to determine how much there is. It will almost always spike beyond the measurement capability of your test kit. If you feel your fish are uncomoftable or becoming unhealthy, do partial water changes, if you must, until you're happy. Just remember, the more water you change, the more nitrite you're removing, the more you're removing the substance that draws the bacteria you're waiting to establish. After nitrite levels drop to zero, re-test ammonia to confirm it's still zero. If both are zero, you're cycled! :clap:

Opinions vary on this, as you'll see, but here are mine:

When cycling, do no water changes unless your test kit indicates that ammonia is in the danger zone (the "danger zone" again, is dependant on your pH. If your water is pH 7.0, there is no need to do changes at 0.5 ppm ammonia). Look at it this way, the bacteria you're trying to establish consume the ammonia the fish generate; how could it possibly help encourage colonization if you're constantly removing what will attract the bacteria in the first place? This must be understood, but accepted with reason, of course, because you don't want to poison your fish, either.

Do not vacuum gravel until the cycle is complete; you only run the risk of disturbing the colonization sites of the bacteria you're trying to cultivate.

If you get algae or diatoms during the cycle, do not treat with any sort of chemical. You can scrub it off manually if it bothers you, but let it be until after the cycling is complete, and then deal with it (often once the cycle finishes it disappears anyway). When cycling, your tank is slowly finding it's equilibrium - we are only hindering that process when we keep adding chemicals to the tank. Until the cycle completes, unless absolutely necessary nothing should go into the tank but water (dechlorinated), a little aquarium salt (if you choose), a bacteria starter (if you choose), and fish food.

The thing you need most importantly when cycling: patience, patience, patience. B) This is going to take a while, but you're doing it right and you can rest easy knowing that when it's done, nature (not chemicals) will find exactly the right system equilibrium for the bio-load you have in there. Your tank *will* cycle, but in nature's time, not yours, or mine, or anyone elses. On average, tanks cycle naturally in 30 to 35 days or so, but mine took 51. Others have taken less. In my experience, you'll see the ammonia drop in one to two weeks, and then it will seem like you're waiting an eternity before the nitrite drops.

One more thing: I strongly recommend the beginner FAQ here, if you haven't seen it already - and especially the portion on the nitrogen cycle, here.

Hope that helps!

I'll get a test kit for sure and I'f you wanna save some money it's better if you buy the master kit which include everything except the nitrate test. This is important because you need to know the ph and hardness of your water as well. As far as the cycle goes you won't see ammonia nor nitrites for the first week you'll hit the spike around the second week and it should last 4-6 weeks for your tank to cycle. Some people find the bacteria on the bottle useless, but I had a good results with them, not only that my tank cycled within a month, all the fish survived also...It's up to you if you wanna spend money for it :D
Very good information guys. I really wasn't sure about the water changes so I guess I will wait for those. All of the fry are doing fine and have really become active. For the first couple of days they were in hiding now they are all over the tank. I have only been feeding 1 time every other day since I put the fish in 5 days ago.

The fry are eating a bunch because I smashed up pellets until it was very, very fine. I sprinkled it into the tank and the just search the bottom of the tank for it.

By the way, yes, I did read the fishless cycle faq before starting this but I chose not to go that direction.

Mollies are a very hardy fish and eventually I am going to put them in a 10 gallon that I have here once the cycle is done.

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