Cycling My 10 Gal.?

So, (for example) if it takes 4 drops of ammonia to reach 4-5ppms. and one day the ammonia is 2 ppms. Then you just add the ammonia one drop at a time and test it after each drop until it reaches 4-5ppms.?

Also, would it be a good idea to ask the pet store if they will give me a little scoop of their aquarium gravel to get my bacteria started? or would that be a bad idea?
in your example, yes

As waterdrop said it is a good place to get diseases. I don't like doing it for several reasons. Disease and the gravel has little beneficial bacteria in it compared to filter sponges, unless the gravel comes from a well maintained undergravel filter.
Just let the tank cycle naturally and you will have a healthier tank to start with.
Thank you!!! :):):)

I will start my cycle today. I've aged some water overnight and I will add it to my tank. But should I add my water conditioner before the ammonia? Or best not at all?
if you have chloramine in your tap water then add some conditioner. If you only have chlorine in your tap water it will come out by itself.

Once the tank is running with fish in, then use the dechlorinator in all new tap water going into the tank.
Update: I went to town yesterday and I got everything I needed for the tank including a Hornwort plant. The plant was so big I had to almost cut it in half in order to fit it into the tank. So I got the whole thig set up yesterday. The only thing that I couldn't find, was ammonia! I went everywhere, Meijers, Wal-Mart, Sav-A-Lot, Family Dollar, and even the pet store. The last place is the little super-market on the corner. I called them and they said they had something, it is called cloudy ammonia? They said that when they shook it there was no bubbles that lasted for very long at all. When I go to get it, if I can’t use it I’m just going to have to use the fish food method, because my mom said no more ordering on the internet for a while.

<> I couldn't help wondering what the lady on the phone from the store was thinking! Someone calls, has them get a bottle of ammonia, asks the ingredients, then has them shake the bottle and tell me if there were any bubbles! :lol:
Cloudy doesn't sound good but I'm not basing that on any real information, maybe others know? Vanilla, it will be important to study the labels carefully and give us an update if you can. Boy, I sure hope you can somehow find the right ammonia. As detailed as you've been in your questions even prior to starting the fishless cycle, I hate to think of the questions you'll have if you have to use fish food and get all the really unpredictable numbers that entails! :huh:
I know, I really hope that I can get some ammonia from somwhere. My mom and sister ran into wall-mart for ammonia and they got a bottle, but it has surfactant in it. I just HOPE HOPE HOPE that the bottle waiting at the store will work for me.
Ok, I just got the bottle of ammonia from the store. The ingredients are not listed, so I called and they said that the ingredients are......anhydrous ammonia, water and acromin binder (forgive me if the spelling is wrong). Will this work? It is the purest ammonia that I can lay my hands on. When I give the bottle a good shake the bubbles/ or VERY light foam that is there is gone in about 6-10 seconds, and then once in a while there are a few big air bubbles that don't pop for about 12-15-17. Will this work? :unsure:
From what I heard, the acromin binder is like a dye to make the ammonia cloudy. Darn it!!!!! :( So I guess I should just use the fish food then. :( ??? Do I just add it how I would the ammonia? Just a little at a time until it reaches 4-5 ppm?

Thank you
HearYa VS, sorry you can't find the right stuff. Some member will come along who has done the fish food method and can advise on the amount. While I'm sure what amount to start with, I know that one trick people were happy with recently was to pulverize the flake food so that it is a fine powder - this helps the eutrophic bacteria break it down into ammonia faster - was the feeling.

Any members want to recommend how many pinches? (Vanilla, you can be doing some thread searches meanwhile..)


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