Great Lakes and Whacky are the experts on this front but from my research into starting marine tank I have found these things:semper fi said:what is the purpose of ro water and having an ro unit in your set up? or is that just a marine thingy ma jig?
Testing is very important if you don't already have buy three test kits -> Ammonia NitrAte and NitrIte, they are truelly invaluable if you wish to get a warning before something goes wrong so you can do something. Zebras are expensive and rare I wouldn't risk them in a cycling tank although plecos are tough. Is there any chance you could get you fish store to hold on to them for a little bit longer and you can put in half a dozen danios or so just to test the water for a week or so. Do some water tests and let us know what you find.cryosi said:I suppose i could have the water tested but u never know what they say is rite!