Cycling A Tank

It is much, much easier to add a liquid form of ammonia to water and easier to calculate the dose. It will dissipate quicker and you can be sure that the whole ammonia dose has been used.

Ammonia Bicarbonate will only free up all of it's Ammonia at a temperature of around 60 degrees Celcius, way too high for an aquarium. At lower temperatures some Ammonia will be retained as different compounds so although you think you are dosing 'x' amount of Ammonia in reality you are not, plus you are leaving behind unwanted compounds, something that will not happen with an Ammonia + Water cleaner.
I'm just telling you from my experience it worked fine, I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
I wasn't questioning your use of it only pointing out the pitfalls of doing so and the reasons why.

Advising people to do something without giving them all the relevant facts is irresponsible. You made no mention of what type of Ammonia Bicarbonate, how much to dose, etc. all of which are important points when advising someone to use a method that is not common practice in fishkeeping.

IMO why try or suggest a method that's not widely known or used when there's a perfectly good method freely available that has been tried and tested by many people.
Seems the only place I can find ammonia is here,

From what I am seeing in the shops everything is cloudy ammonia.

Hopefully 20 ml would be enough?

Thanks all.
Thanks Aquascaper,
Would the 20ml bottle suffice,just wondering about shipping from UK to Australia,maybe might be listed as dangerous substance.
Well to get a tank your size to 4ppm ammonia will take around 10ml (@ 9.5% solution).

This will need to be done several times during the cycle so 20ml will be gone very quick. I would suggest a bottle about 250ml - 500ml would be better. That link you posted looks like someone who has bought a big bottle and is decanting it into smaller ones for profit.

Have a look around home hardware places, supermarkets or internet sites in Australia and I'm sure there will be some suitable products.
Thanks Aquascaper,
will do a ring around on Monday.

It seems from other forums that clear ammonia is not available here in Australia and most people are only finding cloudy ammonia on the shelves,I did speak to a chemist and she is going to see what the go is with ammonia over here.

Might have to throw some prawns in the tank,quite the opposite to us throwing a prawn on the barbie,sorry could not help myself with that line.
lol....I'm sure there must be something as it's a very common household cleaner and many are just ammonia + water. Worst case is the prawn but maybe try online from another country first.
I might give customs a ring and see what the go is with importing some from another country,but then I am afraid I might get a knock on the door with them wondering why I want to bring it into the country.

I can remember seeing it on the shelves many many years ago.Lots of cloudy ammonia,I checked one out the other day and it only stated it had ammonia in it,shook the bottle and no foaming,I checked another brand of cloudy ammonia and that foamed when shook.Might ring the mob up that makes it and see what they have to say.

If I do have to go down the road of prawns,can I still put plants etc in and used filter media from my other tank as per my very first post.

Thanks again.

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