

New Member
Feb 19, 2004
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What fish would best be used to cycle a 35 gallon (US) tank and how many of them would i need? I have heard platys are good, is that true?

Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Why dont you try a fishless currently doing one on a 65 gallon tank... Better for the fish ( no deaths :no: ). And ive put some gravel/plants from an established far so good...i have 4 tiger barbs who cant wait till they can get in there ( in a 10 gal right now ) . I knew nothing about cycleing at first...but theres enough info in this forum to get u started.. :nod:

Good luck!
I was going to try a fishless cycle but i cant find ammonia anywhere. Does anyone know where you should be able to find it?...
Fish-Fanatic... where are you located? If in the US, you should be able to find it at grocery stores or hardware stores or as metioned above, Wal-Mart. I've heard that people in the UK have trouble finding it. One UKer said they found some at the chemist. (??) Just make sure you get the pure ammonia that doesn't suds up when you shake it.

And yes, platys are very good for cycling, as are zebra danios.

Good luck!!
my wallmart had only one kind of amonia and I got the impression that it wasn't one hundred percent pure so I didn't buy it
if you must cycle with fish then platies are good to use 4 should be good or the same number of zebra danios would also be good.
If you need to check if it is pure ammonia the easiest check is to shake it up if you get no foam then its pure.
Good Luck :)
I got mine at WalMart. Clear Ammonia. Shake test as mentioned by others is the way to find out if it is pure or has additives as I understand too.

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