

Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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Hi, i have yet another question :blink: .

i saw in my lfs that they have a product called cycle that is supposed to aid in growing beneficial bacteria but i dont know if its worth using -_- . the fish guy at the store recommends it but his recommendation isnt worth much in my book ;) .
i just want to know if it really works and if its worth using.

Thanks. :D
Most people report having little or no luck with that product, including myself. It didn't seem to make a bit of a difference when I was doing my first cycle. If you want a buyable product, look for Bio-Spira. People have had much more success with it - it's refrigerated. Basically, there aren't a lot of shortcuts when cycling, it's best to do it the old fashioned way, IMO.
Cycle is a junk. If you can, try to get someone who already maintains an aquarium and try to seed some bacteria from that tank. It seriously accelerates the process of cycling...
i tried a few of those things that were supposed to help the tank cycle faster there all a waste of money. i was talking to a chemical engineer and siad it was nearly impossible to suspend bacteria in an enviroment like a bottle that sits on a shelf.

best bet is to ask a friend or the aquariam for some used filter media or gravel or worst case some filter water. that would help the most.

just finished doind a fishless cycle to a friends tank and i thought mine was fast mine was 10 days we got he's down to 7. on a 75gallon.

ask how
If you can get a sponge from a mature filter from your friend (you buy him two new filters instead... :D ) then you have instantly cycled tank. I've already helped two friends out so far that way... (Of course, I had to suggst them to get AquaClear 200 in order for me to do this)

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