Cycle Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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Kingston Ontario Canada
Ok this is what is about to happen Im rescueing 2 rather large fish 10 inches each i have a 75 tank set up for now (thats been running for a year or more. i ended up changing all the water in the tank (i know mistake but it was before i knew i was gettin them ) 2 days ago never changed the media in the filters. Will the tank cycle and will the fish be in any danger i will be keepin a close eye for stress and lots of tests and water changes. and adding a bottle of cycle
do i have any thing to worry about ?
Test your tap water for chlorine/chloramine. If it contains chlorine/chloramine, then your tank will cycle, since the chlorine would probably have killed off the benificial bacteria and the tank will go through another cycle with the new fish. If you do not see any chlorine/chloramine, then your tank should have no problems.
There is a new product out called biospira that claims to completely cycle tank in 24 hours. That may be an option and ive heard it does do what it is supposed to.
I'm not really convinced with those bacteria starters, such as Bio-Spira. Bacteria are living organisms, therefore, need food, water and oxygen to survive. Who knows how long those bacteria starters have been sitting on a shelf and where they bacteria was shipped from, like a hot environment or cold environment. With those so many variables, how do you know you are just buy a bottle of dead bacteria? Unless you have a microscope and know what nictrobacter and nitrosomas bacteria look like, then I suggest just skipping it and use media, gravel, etc. from an already established substrate.
I'm not really convinced with those bacteria starters, such as Bio-Spira. Bacteria are living organisms, therefore, need food, water and oxygen to survive. Who knows how long those bacteria starters have been sitting on a shelf and where they bacteria was shipped from, like a hot environment or cold environment. With those so many variables, how do you know you are just buy a bottle of dead bacteria? Unless you have a microscope and know what nictrobacter and nitrosomas bacteria look like, then I suggest just skipping it and use media, gravel, etc. from an already established substrate.

Bio spira is the exception, I shipped a refridgerated package from USA to UK by plane and it arrived cold as it is supposed to be kept refridgerated. Mine cycled instantly, practically.
This does work, if you buy products of the shelf, the usually don't work however biospira contains the bacteria needed in a suspension that sustains the levels of bacteria.

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