

Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
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Sunny St. Helens, UK.

Whenever I take cuttings of my plant (don't know exact name) it doesn't grow roperly again from the original plant. By this I mean it doesn't grow from the cut part, it grows from the side. This new growth is always weaker and not as thick. Is there anything I can do about this.

Also, can anyone provide me with some plants that my annoying little platys wont much until it dies. I've found that plants with very thick leaves are better and they don't have a go at these. Only found two of these so far though. They've destroyed everything else - the rascals.

Thanks Andy!
i hav a gd plant tht is quite think and my guppys destroy everything but dnt no wat it is called i will try and get a pic up and show you :)
anubabias nana is a pretty undestroyable plant....

when you cut a plat remove the bottom half and replant the top half in its place. or let it send out 2 runners from the cut and plant both of these thats how i endedup with a forest of cabomba in my tank
I have platys and dont have any problems with plants like Hornwort, Vallisneria, Crypts, Anubias, dwarf sag, Amazon sword and Ludwigia. They will ofcourse nibble at the hornwort but the plant grows so fast that they cant destroy it.

So you could choose any of these plants and not worry abut it.
ckyfish, we can see it :) How long have you had that plant? It looks like a non-aquatic plant - could be wrong.
Here's a quick test. If you take it out of water and the leaves stand upright, its non aquatic. It will survive submerged for a while but it will eventually rot.

Perhaps someone else on this forum can give a second opinion on this plant.

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