Cutting Bogwood


Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Stafford UK
Hey beautiful people!!!

tonight i am not in work due to some unpleasant bowel movements so i am using it as a chance to take care of a few little jobs.
i have a piece of bogwood that is kinda like a root spear and i want it pointing upwards,it looks pretty cool
the only problem is that it is aprx 16 inchs tall and my tank is around 15 inchs tall.
So i have been sawing away for the past 10 mins and i suddenly had a thought...if i cut the wood will it decay in my tank

after typing i have started to realize how stupid it sounds lol

i will watch this thread and would like a quick reply please so i know whether to get on with it or find something else to do

bloody hell the bogwood is an absolute %*?@ to saw lol i have a dead arm
thanks,i thought so
i just wanted to make sure as paying £& for a piece of wood only to wreck it didnt seem like a fun idea lol
I cut my bogwood loads to spread it around my tanks, its fine to saw ;)
does any1 wanna come around and do it 4 me lol

i swear this stuff is bloody harder than concrete!!!
i'm sweatin like a...well you get the idea

i might just take my top off,set up a web cam and let people pay per view me cutting wood on some random fetish site lol :good:

damn i'm gonna get a beer
does any1 wanna come around and do it 4 me lol

i swear this stuff is bloody harder than concrete!!!
i'm sweatin like a...well you get the idea

i might just take my top off,set up a web cam and let people pay per view me cutting wood on some random fetish site lol :good:

damn i'm gonna get a beer

Jesus, if your female and going to take your top off, im on my way :lol: but going by your avatar your male :lol: so il give it a miss :lol:
sadly mr 5teady i am male...but a very heansom one lol

beccimac-i'm bar manager in a life is beer and energetic labour lol

as you may all have guessed i am on here and therfor not cutting my wood...i procrastonate way 2 much lol
i amy start an online dairy of my woodcutting adventure,its gonna take months lol
Ok Im now way jealous of your life- I havent stepped foot in a nightclub sinse I was 18 but god what Id do for a monster piss up right now! So stop talking to us lot and go play with your wood...
Will it be easy to cut if you soak it first.
have decided to call it a night now as my housemate is in bed and i have cut a finger,not to bad but a bit bloody...i personaly hold beccimac1987 responsable lol

i can see what my girlfriends parents have other than that i suppose every man needs a power saw so i could buy one.
well i have done jus over an inch and i have another 6-7 inchs left
its such a stupid shape lol

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