cutie-pie crownies

:wub: :wub: As always kelly, ur spawns amaze us lot! as we all look on dreaming we cud all live at ur house! lol

i love the second guy, his tail looks amazing!! its a very unusual pattern/shape i think, i love it!!

i bet these two are gona be two that ur end up keeping! :wub: :wub:
Just beautiful. :wub: Great colors, I'm loving them. I think you should:

1. Sibling cross the F1

2. End up with crowning plakats with that color and pattern in the F2 (hopefully)

But that's just me. I know whatever you decide to do, you'll end up with some beautiful fish. :wub:


Ur first one looks like a half-sun if he had a 180 degree Tail!

I really like the BF on the first one

But then I like the second ones tail..... :thumbs:
cation said:
Just beautiful. :wub: Great colors, I'm loving them. I think you should:

1. Sibling cross the F1

2. End up with crowning plakats with that color and pattern in the F2 (hopefully)

But that's just me. I know whatever you decide to do, you'll end up with some beautiful fish. :wub:
Ok,ya twisted my arm :hyper: I'll do it! As soon as the metallics are big enough to leave the 5 gallon,I'll whip up a spawn :thumbs:

Thanks you guys :wub: You know I love showin' ya's my babies!! :wub: Nobody here can appreciate them and those friends who do usually take what they like :unsure:

Ahh,now I have to tell a story :rolleyes: A friend of mine came over the other night and mentioned she had an extra spot on her bar beside her boys so I told her to take what she wanted. She took a piebald red,an orange crown,something else :unsure: and the tiniest CT in the tank. I swear this fish was like _____ <this long but he was in full finnage and apparently a real butthole because she got a kick out of him strutting around like he owns the grow out :rolleyes:

As I went to net him I caught him biting on a bigger brothers finnage and I was like "ugh,you want this one?! He's mean and kinda ugly,look at those buggy eyes!" to which she replied "He say's "she chose me cuz I'm the best!" " :rolleyes: Ya gotta love the friend who'll take your freaky fish off your hands :rolleyes:
wuvmybetta said:
Ok,ya twisted my arm :hyper: I'll do it! As soon as the metallics are big enough to leave the 5 gallon,I'll whip up a spawn :thumbs:
Whoo-hoo! I'd like to reserve a plakat outta that spawn... :hey:

Seriously, I think they'll turn out great. I'm excited about this spawn! :hyper:

I needs to get me some of those kinda friends... -_- :lol:
They're just gorgeous Kelly!! Nice job again! I wish my Royal blue's had come out nicely too, but they are really dissappointing :( I do have one nice male I'm planning on keeping myself as a pet and the females are actually very pretty! Then I have a marble male, but he's darn wimpy and isn't growing up to be much. Oh well. Glad to see your spawns doing so well though :)

awww,not your marble?! :eek: :sly: Wimpster. To be honest I only got a small handful of nice boys from this spawn,maybe 15. Out of the rest I've noticed quite a few combtails :rolleyes: and overall most of them have a very weak finnage. Oh well, the females are lovely and hopefully over time I can force the more pathetic crownies on people.I already pawned one off on Tuesday's classroom :ninja:
They are beautiful Wuv. You have come so far in the last year with your Bettas, and I still just have my original crown Rocky that won the first BOTM contest.

Nice pics
awwww,thanks FOF :wub: It's so much fun,I love it :wub:

Speaking of you only having the one original betta :whistle: The Betta Habari Houston club is having a show in April. Perhaps you can stop by for the auction and pick up a new little guy if it's in your neck of the woods :hey:

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