Cure For Clown Loach White Spot


New Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi guys i been searching around looking for solutions for ich on clown loachs, only 1 has it at the moment (about 4 dots ) but i've decided ill go into panic mode and cure it as quickly as i can lol, People are saying using aquarium salt/table salt is the safest way to go with clowns so i'll go with that, i just wanted to find out what i should be doing with it and how to add it to my tank.Tank is a juwel vision 450 and i roughly know its 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons i think but i just want a quick lesson :) thanks
DONT USE TABLE SALT, ITS NOT THE SAME AND HAS THINGS THAT CAN KILL YOUR FISH!!!!, anyway yeah 1 table spoon per gallon and slowly rise the temp. Cured my Tiger Barbs and my Columbian Catshark that way :D Good Luck Mate
ah ok thanks man i got tigers with my loaches aswell so i'll see how it goes, 1 table spoon per gallon or 10 gallons ?
Yeah Rounded Table Spoon so give or take, every 10 gall should be good, and put it more when you do a water change if they still have t buy that time :D
Clown loaches are actually salt sensitive. I would either not use it, and use a white spot med, or go with half dose. Most fish, like catfish, plecs, and other scaleless fish can be burned by the salt.
Clown loaches are actually salt sensitive. I would either not use it, and use a white spot med, or go with half dose. Most fish, like catfish, plecs, and other scaleless fish can be burned by the salt.

+1 don't use salt, they'll get burned.

Use Super Ich Cure by API, it doens't burn scaleless fish :good:
Clown loaches are actually salt sensitive. I would either not use it, and use a white spot med, or go with half dose. Most fish, like catfish, plecs, and other scaleless fish can be burned by the salt.

+1 don't use salt, they'll get burned.

Use Super Ich Cure by API, it doens't burn scaleless fish :good:
Yes, there are many medication that are safe for clown loaches. And to be on the safe side, you can use a half dose of the meds if you are worried about the medication effect on the clown loach.
Clown loaches are actually salt sensitive. I would either not use it, and use a white spot med, or go with half dose. Most fish, like catfish, plecs, and other scaleless fish can be burned by the salt.

+1 don't use salt, they'll get burned.

Use Super Ich Cure by API, it doens't burn scaleless fish :good:
I used txe super icx cure by API (liquid) at 1/4 dose over txe course of 24 xours just to rid of a couple spots on my newbie black skirts, and it burned txe crap out of my rapxael catfisx. e was left xaspinx for air just above txe xeater witx xis wxiskers fallinx off and dorsal fin burned wxat looked like to txe bone (it was bleacx wxite and missinx txe finny part) for a few weeks. Even after doin multiple 90% water cxanxes and 50% daily cxanxe follow ups and addinx new activated carbon to txe filter. Xe made it txrouxx, txouxx.

On txe otxer xand, my loacxes didnt even notice I was treatinx. Xuess it was just some odd pxenomenon.
Ok some say use salt some say don't but you guys make a good point about burning the scales so ill use some kind of medication..any brands i should be looking for that dont burn loaches ?
Can you get a nurture tank set up any time soon! The best chance you have is to use normL white spot treatment. Except clown loaches can die from this treatment. So you should half the dose.

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