Culturing Phytoplankton


New Member
Oct 13, 2005
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I've been studying phytoplankton and the effects it has on the reef aquarium for a while now and i wanted to get some advanced aquariasts opinions on the whole matter.

Im in the process of culturing my own phyto using a culture disk i bought off of florida aquafarms. The phyto i am culturing at the moment is nannochloris (one of the staple phyto found on reefs, high in omega 3) For the food source of the phyto im trying first the home brand, liquid miracle grow, instead of using algea fertilizer since they are virtually the same thing. Using 4ml for every 2 liters,It is my opinion that if i culture the phyto to the point of the correct cell density that the miracle grow will be used all up leaving no harmful effects to my reef.
What do you guys think?

Also there has been mixed studies about whether or not most corals eat phyto (not including gorgians)
But it is my belief that if i start with the beginning element of the food chain, phyto, then that will give food source for other small animals which corals do directly benefit from.
I have a small 10gallon nano that incorperates softies like shrooms, zoos, xenia along with lps like turbinaria peltata, bubble coral and short tentacle plate coral. I want to gradually start my tank on phyto, increasing the dose each week.
Give me your thoughts, questions and answers

greatly appericiated -Benjamin

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