Culling A Guppy Who Looks Like Crap.

Get you some links for tb.
You can use antibiotics and vitamin b supplement.
Teh benefical bacteria in the filter wants wiping out anyway if a fish has tb.
Hi GuppyGoddess,

It is a horrible task to encounter when you think "but if i could just save them" and in the end they pass on. :sad:
But im glad you have toughend up, altho that does'nt make the situation better it does help a little. :good:

With mine it started with my swordtail he started with sunken belly and was very lethargic and swimming weird it was kind of like wiggleing instead of swimming, then he past away around 3 days after starting with the sunken belly thing.
Next was 1 platy a few days later, same symptoms and immediately removed into a hospital tank with meds, the day after another
platy and 1 tetra, only difference between these last 2 was the tetra wasn't thin and emaciated in the belly region, the platy was.
They both went into the hospital tank and a couple of days later the tetra passed on, and yesturday the platy passed on :sad:
I'm still at a loss as to what and where my fish got the sunken belly thing from, i do believe its internal parasites
but not 100% sure where from, im kind of thinking and have narrowed it down to some bloodworm pellets i purchased from
ebay as these are the only thing i changed in my tank apart from an addition of 4 penguin tetras weeks before the outbreak
and these where quarantined for 2-3 weeks before going into the tank, thats why im suspecting the bloodworm pellets.

I hope this helps you, keep me posted


I have never heard of fish getting internal parasites from bloodworm pellets, live bloodworms maybe but not the dry stuff surely? please can someone enlighten me! I use bloodworm pellets and have no internal parasites in my fish.
Its a hard one to weigh up.

I think we all look at it differently and find we make different decisions depending on the size of the fish (i.e. a BIG fish is likely to have illness spotted earlier so treatment is a possibility.)

With the small fish like that, when he has been ill for a while and one medication has already been tried It is often more humane to send him off to the big fish tank in the sky. Chances are that there is something more fundamentally wrong there that cannot be seen - perhaps genetic issues (common with such inbred fast breeding animals).

If he is in a tank on his own, swimmming normally, showing appetite, bright eyes and shiny scales then leave him be and simply keep an eye out for changes or deterioration. If he is not on his own or looking bedraggled/sick then its best to destroy the fish - hopefully preventing distress and disease in his companions.

Luckily little fish like this are quick to deal with - very little chance of him being in pain if delt with correctly.

Good luck deciding.
I doubt fish can get internal parasites from pellet food. But i'm not sure if i'm honest.
Ask in tropical discussion.
I doubt fish can get internal parasites from pellet food. But i'm not sure if i'm honest.
Ask in tropical discussion.
The only foods my guppies are fed include: flake food, freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, and then peas on sunday.

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