

Professor Beaker
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2005
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Buffalo, NY
Hey all, I've been thinking about feeding my fish, namely my Ottos some Cucumber/Zucchini, or whatever you want to call it. My question though is is it ok to get a piece, chop it up, and then freeze the sections? Because while my fish may enjoy eating cucumber, I do not and I dont want to have to go buy another piece every time I want to feed my Ottos. So, will frozen Cucumber still retain nutrients and keep well in the freezer?

Edit: Also, will they eat the skin, or should I remove that before tossing it in?
Hi,SkiFletch,Cucumber is full of water and I think that when you freeze it ,all that will remains would be Mush.
Remove the skin, and blanche the cucumber before adding it to the tank.
That is, boil it, or soak it in hot water and then rinse in cold.

Freezing the cucumber will probably end up in a mess, as said, but why not try it? You've nothing to loose (other than a bit of rabbit food!)
Cucumber works fine frozen, as does zuccini.

I don't use cucumber, but I freeze zuccini for my plecs all the time, and it works out fine.

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