

New Member
Aug 28, 2005
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how do you prepare cucumber for you have to boil it or anything like that
I've used zuccini and just cut it in half and cut a little piece and just anchored it down in the tank.....I imagine cucumbers would be the same?
i do the same with zucinini. i would imagine cucumber would be the same way. just incase you didnt know remember to remone it after a few hours. the longest i leave it in is over night.
Slice the cucumber, rinse it with water, tap preferably, and then weigh it down, I leave mine in overnight due to my plecos nocternal activity...he loves it!
Some people dip it in boiling water for a few seconds but I only ever feed raw. I put it in at night and remove whatever is left by the morning.
I just wash it and cut them to arround size of a $0.25 coin then toss it in and next day take what ever remain out of the tank.
Somtimes i blanch my cucumber and somtimes i don't, i think think it realy matters that much for algae eating fish as they are better equipped at eating it although if you feed it to some fish like mollys blanching the cucumber does make it alot easier for them to eat- as for weighing it down i usually just push a small stone through the middle and the cucumber slice and then drop it into the tank.
we feed our fish cucumber, we just chop a small length off, and chop it in half, we bought these special cucumber weighing down things from ebay called screwcumbers (a smooth edged stainless steel coil which weighs the cucumber down). we leave it in till its all gone, it usually only takes a a day and an evening, and all our fish eat it, even the silver sharks! they love it.. i think prefer it to the flake food!
i cut a slice of then put a plant weight in the middle, leave it and take the remains out the next day :)

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