

Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
weston, UK
will a stressed cuckoo turn brown from the stress becuase theres 2 at the place i work which are brown still with the black spots but have a fairly high topfin. i always thought they were cuckoos who arent comftable in a work enviroment but would turn white in a hoem aquarium, but soemone came in and was convinced that cuckoos are always white and have tiny spots not mediums like these .... so in summary reall will a stressed cuckoo catfish go dark brown?

also will they live with featherfins ?
Synodontis Multipunctatus have white trailing edges on all their fins and white all around the tail fin. Their background color can be rather dark if they're mature (3-4"), and the spots aren't tiny. Tiny spots are more likely S. petricola or lucipinnis. Both of those species tend to be dark colored as well, but not white on the belly like multi's.
All of the three species are social, schooling fish, best kept in groups. They may get along well enough with featherfins (S. eupterus), but I did read one account of a group of S. multi's stripping one to the bone. I don't believe it had died first, but was actually attacked and killed by the multi's. Not a typical occurence though.
sweet cheers for the info, il check them out next time im in work, i gave them a covered pipe to hide in to hopefully stop as much stressing out.

but there damn expensive to buy a group of them may have to find a cheaper option! featherfins are like a 1/10 of the price so maybe that should be the one n only option !

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