emerald crabs, sallylightfoots kept a sally in my little nano with no problems before.
ooo tell you a good hermit to look for is a halloween hermit there awesome !
Just bought five of these little guys, interesting little critters. Although, they're fairly aggressive when they want to be.
I drip acclimatised them for a total of three hours, i then picked them from the bag, turned them around so they were facing upwards, and placed them slowly on the sandbed. They seem incredibly strong for their size, trying to pry it from my live rock was a difficult task. The largest one ended up killing the second largest for its smaller shell, but then decided to revert back to its older shell, how strange . . .
One word of advice, always have empty shells handy, i'm going to pick some up tomorrow. How soon do you think i can add my first fish? I'm in no rush.
The culprit is now in a food bag, pegged onto the side of my aquarium, until i purchase the shells.
(By the way, they look great! Wonderful banding along the legs and claws)