Ct's I Am Selling

Actually I am a trial lawyer... civil and criminal law mainly.

Yes, more excercise would be good. My fingers get plenty of work, and the water is heavy :lol:

My avatar is Morg :D
And your signature?

I just sat on the jury of a mock trial. They gave us less than an hour to diliberate. :rofl: It takes some people more than an hour to say Hi! I always find the diliberations frustrating and annoying, and yet I love it, too. It's stimulating. Still, stressful life choice...Alpha, A type personality required.

As Wuv said, are you enjoying the pretties while you have them?

Edit: I see. He's not your signature, you're just baiting/torturing us with your fav of the group for sale
They all have longer tails :p



:rofl: :cool: Your breeding accomplishments are many. You'll go a long way. All he needs is a little walking machine. He can fetch your briefs and deliver summons. :lol:
Never underestimate the BETTA :p

My breeding accomplishments are at 0-5. I got these fish from a local distirbutor who imported them from Thailand :(
I was referring to the newly bred CT short tail marble. :lol: Quite an accomplishment. I was trying to be funny in return. Your cropped CT gave me :rofl: a nice LOL and a belly laugh. Very unexpected.

Well, one of your boys will succeed in spawning.
Synirr's project is, with all due respect to the others, is the most interesting projects in this forum right now.

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