Crustacean Pics

Theyre still doing great, the Sirens dont even seem to be interested in them (so i'll also be adding some Cherry Shrimp in with them) one or two has shed theyre exoskeleton, and are a big larger now, the largest around 3.5cm-4cm.

They look more like the one in the second link, only more transparent, its a shame my camera's broken or I could have got pictures, i'll try to get a picture with a mobile phone, but it will probably be poor quality.
The River Shrimp in my Sirens aquarium are still doing great, they are very active and seem healthy.

Today I bought from my lfs a Vampire Shrimp (A. gabonensis) I'd only seen pictures of them before today, they are very impressive looking, i'll hopefully be getting more in a couple of weeks, Im keeping it with my Indian Apple Snails, I arent able to get any pictures at the moment though.

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