Bettas Eh?
I am starting out my hobby of siamese fighters with a nice breeding pair of crowntails. I would prefer if they were a nice clean colour or a marbled affect and they must be shipped from the UK to me as i prefer them to be brought up in our climate. I Also if you have one would like a breeding pir of plakats also any colour. Sorry if i am seeming a bit nasty but i really do want some. I also will be suplying 4 LFS around my area
so hopefully it will all go well i just boguht a 60 gallon growout for the babies so does any one have the parents? i will sort the price out at a alter date 
Best Regards
I am starting out my hobby of siamese fighters with a nice breeding pair of crowntails. I would prefer if they were a nice clean colour or a marbled affect and they must be shipped from the UK to me as i prefer them to be brought up in our climate. I Also if you have one would like a breeding pir of plakats also any colour. Sorry if i am seeming a bit nasty but i really do want some. I also will be suplying 4 LFS around my area
Best Regards