Crowntail Betta Splendens

I currently only have Teelie a ct female, but she is a sweetheart. Am hoping to get a nice ct male once spring arrives.


You can just see the blurry intrusion of my older cambodian girl. :lol:
Here's a photo of DeLaunce, one of my 5 crowntails. I bought him on aquabid from Indonesia.

I bought another ct today at Petco but don't have any photos yet.


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this is mine....
2nd winner marble CT actually i already sold to Mrs Kathy rex from USA
which now is sick (broken her leg) and must be amputated....
i hope you doing well kath......
and hope you ll recover soon....
this is your fish......

$100 King Crowntail... sometimes called X-ray betta's... this one has 10 crossed rays... (yup he is actually in country and on the resellers shelf)... way above my betta budget though.


I love that fish, Auratus :D

really your fish is awesome!!!!!!
i have ever see many king CT but still i m surprise to see your fish....
a very good fish......


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I only have one crown tail, and was lucky to get him, as he was the last one at my lfs, don't see why no one wanted him, I think he has some of the best finage I've ever seen!
Here's one of my babes from a spawn long ago. Sadly I lost all of my old pics when I got a new PC, this one was luckily in my photobucket. All of his brothers looked just like him anyway :zz
this is mine....
2nd winner marble CT actually i already sold to Mrs Kathy rex from USA
which now is sick (broken her leg) and must be amputated....
i hope you doing well kath......
and hope you ll recover soon....
this is your fish......

$100 King Crowntail... sometimes called X-ray betta's... this one has 10 crossed rays... (yup he is actually in country and on the resellers shelf)... way above my betta budget though.


I love that fish, Auratus :D

really your fish is awesome!!!!!!
i have ever see many king CT but still i m surprise to see your fish....
a very good fish......

Unfortunately he is not part of my collection. He is with a friend of mine who sells betta's. The amazing CT comes from Phil Ngo's X-Ray fish production if I am not mistaken.
Oh, man. What a gorgeous thread. Makes me wish my Sori wasn't just a regular old red VT. While 'betta sitting', I've begun to realize I miss having a bowl on my desk. Maybe I should be bad and get myself another betta......

Thems are fancy fish. :fun:
A couple of my ct's that I got from K.G.Bettas over the last year

This is Rocket my much sought after red ct


Maxwell (RIP) shame I couldn't get him flaring. He was like velvet


his only surviving son Sebastian who was a belly slider so his fins are all messed up :/


and lastly Harley who hasn't a very good spawning track rate with only one surviving fry from the two spawns he's had :grr:


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