crown tails and comb tails

well that was kinda confusing, lol. I dont know which mine is so thats y i was asking.
First of all I may ask stupid questions because I cant see your betta, so i pic would help, but.....

1. Does your bettas tell have little marks like at an end of a crown.

2. Is it more "thick" at the tell ends or a whole bunch of fine strands.

3. Is there definite markings of branches.
First of all I may ask stupid questions because I cant see your betta, so i pic would help, but.....

1. Does your bettas tell have little marks like at an end of a crown.

2. Is it more "thick" at the tell ends or a whole bunch of fine strands.

3. Is there definite markings of branches.
my links arent working for some reason. just type crowntail and combtail in a search engine and you will get pics.
so my betta would be a combtail right? Here is his pic.

does anyone know what that bump on his side is?
My fiance's betta Apollo has bulges kinda like that on both his sides. I think it's because he's extremely active and uses his tail to propel him a lot. For some reason he loves the current in the 5gal tank he's in and the rest of his body is pretty cut.. for a fish. The other bettas we have don't have the bulges, but then again they don't like to excercise as much either. Does your betta seem extremely active?
why is that mean? it is what it is. just because its tail has a poorly formed crowntail, doesnt make it ugly.
not necessarily-if the "fringes" arent for the most part even, it is a poorly formed ct. the link i put up (that deosnt work) had a pic of a fabulous combtail with teeny "fringes" i will see if i can find another good example of an outstanding combtail.

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