Crown Tail Bettas


Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
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Houston, Texas
I have begun to notice that more and more people are finding Crown Tails and posting pictures of these great looking bettas.

However, I have not noticed the stores in my area carrying them. I do know of one little shop that has always had them in Houston but wondered if any of you are beginning to see more of these show up in your neck of the woods.
well, i did just find a place recently who is getting crowntails from a breeder in about 5 weeks or so....this would be the first time i've ever heard of a crowntail in my area....and this place is kinda far from me -_-
Sorta, I just found a place that has been carrying them, thats where I got mine. But now my favorite lfs is getting them in, the lady said the owner never heard of them before & wondered what they looked like, hehe.
I don't think I've ever seen one in person...but I don't remember. I know that none of the LFS are carrying them right now because I've been looking for a new betta and I would like to get a crown tail.
I am starting to see more and more pop up in different lfs I visit in different counties. I am also starting to see more stores carry Plakats. :dunno: All I can say is WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe :lol:
For some reason My LFS's Supplier Lists Crowntails As Seasonal fish. :dunno:

And there is more availability in Late Summer
I don't know if there are any crown tails around here 'cause I haven't been looking lol. When I have an available tank for a betta I may try and look for one...though I'm perfectly content with a run of the mill veil tail :lol:
The Petsmart near me had about 15 last time I was there. Unfortunately I couldn't buy any because I was going on vacation! :rolleyes: When I went back they were all gone. I'd never seen one in real life before and they're just gorgeous. :)
I was just looking at the 5 new girls I picked up at walmart over the weekend, and if a crown tail is when their tail veins split about halfway down their tail, and both of them stick out the end of the tail fin, the all 5 of them are crowns!! I didn't notice that when I looked at them before I bought them. I'm excited now.
Two of our LFS's carry them regularly. The one told me that they show up right on the order form for whatever supplier they use, along with regular VTs.

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