Cross Breeding


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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The other day I watched as one of my neons was followed round the tank,close to the bottom, by another neon and a glowlight. It looked to me like they were looking to mate. I have no interest in breeding but wondered if it is at all possible for the glowlight to have young with the neon.

I would never say it was impossible for isolated fish to behave in such a manner, indeed, I have seen several times, radically different species try to "court" totally inappropriate mates. It is most unlikely that an courtship would be successful, and remote that any spawning would result in viable offspring.

I had some Iriatherina wernerii, (a small rainbow fish), in a tank with some tetras, the male wernerii would enter their courtship ritual, (involves flicking their flag like anterior dorsal fin up and down whilst dancing around the "mate"), it was hysterical to watch. You could almost feel the puzzlement the tetras must have been experiencing.
I have watched a platy trying to join in the courtship of peppered corys. His bewilderment was total: what are my friends doing, can I do this too? Would have been funny if it hadn't been so sad; he had had to be separated from his own kind because of aggression issued and took to schooling with the corys, including hiding behind the bogwood during daytime. Not good for him, clearly. And no, it wouldn't result in little plorys. :lol:

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