We have a winner in Fishforums.netHey guys, this is my first ever tank as I'm new to the hobby. About a month old, its a 60l long tank, 80cm in length. Heavily planted from day one with Bacopa, Java Fern, willow moss, Hair Grass, Sag and some floating Sal. Sand and aquarium soil substrate. Three pieces of bogwood in varying sizes to give plenty of hiding spaces but also free swimming room and a few decorate rocks/pebbles.
March 2020 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 8 nice tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......................
Let's all congratulate him
Here is Cromid's tank and its description
Using a interpret pf2 filter as it's a longer tank and has a nice aeration setting.
Lighting Nicrew Led system, has a 24 hour cycle to mimic daylight, night, dusk and dawn. It's awesome.
Temp 24/25c
Soft water with a pH fluctuating between 6.5/7.5
Ammonia 0 nitrite 0, nitrate about 4
Currently stocking
5 amano shrimp
6 peppered cories
5 harlequin rasbora (will add another 5 next week)
And then looking to add either 2 honey gourami, or maybe even a single male Betta if parameters allow.
Doing 40% water changes every week. And topping up throughout.
I couldn’t have said it better myself!Voting for the March 2020 Tank of the Month ended on 13 March and the winner was then announced.
Entries for March 2020 Pet of the Month is currently taking place, to be followed soon by the voting poll. There will be another Tank of the Month starting soon.
Looks great, nice set up.. CONGRATULATION!!!We have a winner in Fishforums.netHey guys, this is my first ever tank as I'm new to the hobby. About a month old, its a 60l long tank, 80cm in length. Heavily planted from day one with Bacopa, Java Fern, willow moss, Hair Grass, Sag and some floating Sal. Sand and aquarium soil substrate. Three pieces of bogwood in varying sizes to give plenty of hiding spaces but also free swimming room and a few decorate rocks/pebbles.
March 2020 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 8 nice tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......................
Let's all congratulate him
Here is Cromid's tank and its description
Using a interpret pf2 filter as it's a longer tank and has a nice aeration setting.
Lighting Nicrew Led system, has a 24 hour cycle to mimic daylight, night, dusk and dawn. It's awesome.
Temp 24/25c
Soft water with a pH fluctuating between 6.5/7.5
Ammonia 0 nitrite 0, nitrate about 4
Currently stocking
5 amano shrimp
6 peppered cories
5 harlequin rasbora (will add another 5 next week)
And then looking to add either 2 honey gourami, or maybe even a single male Betta if parameters allow.
Doing 40% water changes every week. And topping up throughout.
Really stunning - has an Asian theme about it - filled with so much but so light and airy looking. Highly recommend honey gourami - not the most exciting fish but sweet sweet sweet and nice slow swimmers for your theme. Color may be too much for it though, Don't clutter it up too much it's just about perfect as it. And I love the "decorating outside the box" idea. My tanks are too tall for that but great idea for a short tank.