Critter? (Solved!)

So it just... Vanishes. Weird...
Maybe its a larvae of a beatle! I just thought if that! It could be a caterpillar/worm looking thing that is really a larvae!
Wonder if you can make a trap that uses suction - think it's called a pooter? that those bug and spider people use to collect specimens. where you literally suck the creature into a little container - but crucially - have a mesh or something inside so you're not playing with fire and risking sucking it into your mouth...

Nope, don't sound like hillbillies to me! But I'm English, read a lot of romance novels as a horse-mad tween and teenager, and my favourites were about cowboys/ranchers etc, where the setting was usually Texas, Wyoming, Montana etc. So I have a bit of a sentimental girlhood weakness for the accents! And Texas is a beautiful place. Have wanted to visit a real ranch ever since. Maybe one day!
I've never heard of these, by any chance?

Where I live, the countryside is flat as a board, but we do have many cattle ranchers and'd probably like the Hill Country better than where I'm at...beautiful out there...Big Bend is one of our favorite places to visit

I've never heard of these, by any chance?

Where I live, the countryside is flat as a board, but we do have many cattle ranchers and'd probably like the Hill Country better than where I'm at...beautiful out there...Big Bend is one of our favorite places to visit

Have a look at the second thing listed in this article, it's called a pooter, which is kinda adorable.
Found a vid with how to make one, sorry it's aimed at kids! lol. But it'll work if you can find a bit of tubing that fits over the burrow :D
Are you gonna try to suck that thing out of the ground and look it in its beedy little eyes then? :D

I dares ya to do it! (ETA: And get photos of it! I need to know now, lol)
I think I'll give it a go this weekend ;)

I'll certainly report back here if I am successful...
So it just... Vanishes. Weird...
Maybe its a larvae of a beatle! I just thought if that! It could be a caterpillar/worm looking thing that is really a larvae!

I'm wondering the same thing now! I don't know how baby trapdoor spiders spread out and find their own burrows, maybe it's a baby one, and it's a seasonal thing or something. They'd need to disperse from where they hatched and find/build their own burrows and trapdoors, right? Or maybe mating season, and it's males that are out looking for females. Male spiders are much smaller than females, they tend to hunt for the female rather than her coming to him, and they're shorter lived. Gonna be off researching spiders and burrowing insects now!
The spiders here in the UK that freak me out are house spiders. Bigger. scarier looking, and much faster than most species we have, but they freak me out every August/September. That's their mating season, and it's when the males creep around houses at night, searching for females. Then you discover one that got trapped in the bath, the sink, or hiding on a doorframe, or FALLING FROM THE PICTURE RAILING ONTO MY PILLOW ONE NIGHT AND I ALMOST DIED FROM FRIGHT....
Ahem. Yeah. So I'm a bit scared of spiders. But don't want to be! Because they're cool and really interesting creatures, and I'm not a girly girl who freaks out about snakes or breaking a nail or rodents, whatever. Spiders are my weakness though.
The burrow itself looks like a cicada nest.
Much too small to be cicadas, but good guess....the burrows are remarkably symmetrical, as if someone used a power drill to make them

I'll gaze at a patch of dirt in the yard, and it looks as if it is uniform and solid, no holes...then, walk by, or pass my hand over it, and half a dozen holes suddenly appear...kinda creepy, lol
Much too small to be cicadas, but good guess....the burrows are remarkably symmetrical, as if someone used a power drill to make them

I'll gaze at a patch of dirt in the yard, and it looks as if it is uniform and solid, no holes...then, walk by, or pass my hand over it, and half a dozen holes suddenly appear...kinda creepy, lol

I don't really understand - the holes appear? Are they usually covered in dirt or something?
We don't have cicadas here.
I don't really understand - the holes appear? Are they usually covered in dirt or something?
We don't have cicadas here.
No....when there's no activity, all of their little heads (or whatever they are) fill the holes, right at the surface...they blend in with the color of the dirt...then, when they are disturbed, they all simultaneously shoot back down under the ground, and the holes "appear"
No....when there's no activity, all of their little heads (or whatever they are) fill the holes, right at the surface...they blend in with the color of the dirt...then, when they are disturbed, they all simultaneously shoot back down under the ground, and the holes "appear"
These are the critters in question, not cicadas...once cicadas emerge from their holes, they never go back

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