Creepy crawlies


Jul 29, 2023
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I wanted to do a video and show you, but it's pointless, the water is too murky. I collected some big clumps of blanket weed from the LFS pond plant section. I have it in a tiny little tank in the garden. There are loads of "things" running around in the water. All shapes and sizes, some of them moving quite fast.

I know I haven't got pictures. Just after some guess work here. The smallest ones, remind me of daphnia with the way they move, but these little things seem dark black and perhaps a little smaller than daphnia. Hiding specifically under the blanket weed were these things that look like underwater beetles and they move really fast, darting around. Grey/Silver in colour, maybe 5mm big (half centimetre). I couldn't get a good view, but they might have 5 little legs on each side?

The small wrigglers at the bottom, pale and transparent, I think they are some kind of larvae?

There was one creature that looked like he was practising for the Oxford/Cambridge boat race. He was the biggest.

These are my main questions
1. It got me thinking about raising my own live food for corydoras and small tetra's. It is worth the aggro? Too risky for the fish?
2. More importantly, is there anything I've described that is likely to be a hazard to fish? Not just pathogen wise, but in terms of physically being in a fish tank?
3. Based on my descriptions, anyone got any best guess as to what some of these things might be? I'm UK based.
Some of the possibilities from internet search and looking at pictures

Water boatmen
Water slater
Mayfly larvae
Water hoglouse

There is also what looks like a tiny little black slug on the sides of the glass. Moves about 3 times the speed of a snail I reckon. Some kind of leech?

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