Creating A New Guppy Strain From Scratch


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
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Trinidad and Tobago
I am planning to start a new guppy strain from block one, starting off with the wild one, I am planning to in breed give the create guppies with recessive genes to increase the specific strain I want to develop. So I was planning to take from an upstream pond because of the fact that they are more colorful than those found in deep water due to a lack of predator. I was going to use the purple peacock tails and see what I will it will take me from there anyone has any ideas on how to tweak my plans :hyper:
im just warning you the inbreeding will make the guppies very weak and prone to disease.
I was thinking of that so do you introducing some new gene to the genepool once in a while would help with it because on of the things about inbreeding is that the good factors as well as the bad are copied over and over again
I was thinking of that so do you introducing some new gene to the genepool once in a while would help with it because on of the things about inbreeding is that the good factors as well as the bad are copied over and over again

Be careful...Just look at our royal family :-(
OOps... I will be thrown into the tower by tomorrow for that :lol:
I was thinking of that so do you introducing some new gene to the genepool once in a while would help with it because on of the things about inbreeding is that the good factors as well as the bad are copied over and over again

Be careful...Just look at our royal family :-(
OOps... I will be thrown into the tower by tomorrow for that :lol:

:lol: :rofl: :kana:

This might help abit
If you want to get fry from the male you have first you will have to keep the female separate from any males for atleast 6 months because they can store sperm so even if your male does mate with her it could still be another males babies. To create a new strain your going to need alot of tanks and time its not as easy as just breeding 2 guppies.

im just warning you the inbreeding will make the guppies very weak and prone to disease.

Not always true aslong as you dont over do it theres normally no problem. Thats how people create new strains by breeding to fish then picking out the fry with the trails they want then breeding them and so on.
Ditto to everyone else. Inbreeding causes problems, including kinked spines and malformed gill-covers. Line breeding is probably the way to go to truly establish a strain. 1 tank works for the hobbyist who's noodling around, if they bring in new fish and cull bad traits aggressively, but to truly create a strain you need a lot of tanks. Personally, I've noodled around and had some fun results.
i really think the cobra guppy male looks good. inbred guppies won't do anything bad as long as ya keep adding new genes every now and then. keeping them apart at the start is good as a male to a bunch of females after a while is like asking a #101## head if they want a kebab.
Ok, inbreeding, never brother to sister. Get 2 lines going. Father to daughter is OK, but NEVER brother to sister. Two lines for the same trait is OK. Mother to son is OK. (Talking fish here people, not humans LOL) It's Best to go with 2 or more lines breeding for the same traits and then cross the lines back and forth so your genes stay strong, but you are going to end up with many tanks. It depends on what quality of a line you are aiming for. Just avoid brother to sister.

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