My family rented a pontoon boat to celebrate the end of the summer last year. My brother brought a couple of his friends. We brought our float so we could go tubing, but couldn’t get the pontoon’s canopy down. (If you don’t know, you can’t go full speed with the canopy up, it will damage it) A piece was jammed, and we couldn’t unstuck it with our fingers. My mother grabbed a little rusty fishing knife we found on the boat and was able to wiggle the piece loose, but as soon as it loosened her hand slipped and the knife sliced a 3 inch gash on her hand. It started gushing blood and my brothers friends just about passed out. Their faces went all pale and they looked like they were about to gag. Meanwhile, my sisters and I started looking for a first aid kit on the boat while my dad examined the injury. It is funny, everybody is amazed that my sisters and I arent squeamish at all. We simply say “we’re doctors kids”. We found a first aid kit and some clean water bottles, so cleaned the wound, got the bleeding to stop, and put some bandaids on it. She made it the rest of the day, then stopped at urgent care to get stitches and a tetanus booster on the way home. It healed up nicely and she barely has a scar.
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