Crazy Guppies


New Member
Dec 23, 2015
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My guppies swim to the top of the tank and then they swim straight down at hi speed and slam head first into the gravel. 55 gal. Tank. O ammonia 0 nitrite 8 nitrates PH 7.2. 22 guppies in the tank but only 4 of them are full grown adults. The rest are half grown and started off as baby fry from the adults. There is no signs of any disease visible to the eye. They are fed properly. Weekly gravel clean and 20% water changes. There is only about one fourth of an inch of gravel. There is a couple of floating plastic plants for the new born fry to hide. The temperature of the water is 80.7. There are 2 hob filters. The tank has been cycled for 8 months. There are 2 air stones. One on each end of the tank. The filter are maintained properly. I have another tank same size and same set up but no guppies. The other tank is maintained the same. I have not lost a single fish in two years. In the guppy tank I always loose guppies. What is going on?
Which guppies are doing this:  adult or juvenile?
What do you have in terms of decorations?
What chemicals, if any, do you put in the tank?
In my opinion air stones are a waste of time and money. If you are running an air stone you may as well run a small sponge filter. Having a cycled sponge filter on hand is also useful if for example you need to set up a q tank.
NickAu said:
In my opinion air stones are a waste of time and money. If you are running an air stone you may as well run a small sponge filter. Having a cycled sponge filter on hand is also useful if for example you need to set up a q tank.
Imo, an exellent reason to have a sponge filter is to have the option to run it through a power outage with a battery powered air pump (don't know how many LFS carry these, but most fishing tackle shops do in my area.) This could literally make the difference between life and death for your fish.
This could literally make the difference between life and death for your fish.
As stupid as this looks it works in an emergency.

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